Today is World Mental Health Day, and I want to talk a bit about this issue as it is something that always matters to me. I know (and experienced it myself) how painful it can be when you're trapped in sadness, depression, anxiety, fear, or any unwanted feelings and emotions. And the worst part is when you want to get out of it but you just feel trapped and there's nothing you can do, like you have no power and control over it.
We never know how those feelings can hit anyone for any reason, especially this year when everything is fragile and full of uncertainties. It can happen to anyone in any situation.
If you're someone who's currently struggling with it, remember that you're not alone. Never give up on yourself, because you do matter, and I believe this is not for forever and one day you will beat this. It's ok not to be ok for now. Embrace those feelings, knowing we're all human beings with all the imperfections and weaknesses.
If you're someone who's blessed enough to be mentally healthy, be grateful and don't take it for granted. Never forget to be kind to anyone. You have no idea how small acts of kindness you do to someone can change their world and perspectives.
Spread kindness. This world may be a chaotic place, but as long as we spread kindness to each other, there is always hope. And the most important thing is, be kind not only to others but also to yourself. Happy World Mental Health Day. You do matter. You are loved.