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Showing posts from February, 2012


First of all, I want to say Happy Valentine's day to everyone! Let's share some love to people around you. I don't know why, suddenly I'm in the mood to write something today, in the night of this Valentine's day. And today I'm gonna talk about something different. Since today is the day of love, let's talk about love! :) It's not just once or twice I got a question like this, " Why did I never see your quotes about love? You often talk about life, problems, motivation, but I can't find your perspective of love. " Well, the answer is very simple. I didn't have much experience in this area. So, I don't want to talk about something I don't really know. You can't inspire something to others when you can't reflect it to yourself. But today I'm gonna talk about it! First, don't expect me to talk like " Love is everything, blah blah blah.. " That's too common. That's too cliche. Let me talk ...