When you're rich, people want to be with you, not because they want you, but because they want your money. When you're popular, people want to be with you, not because they want you, but because they want your fame. When you're good at something, people want to be with you, not because they want you, but because they want to take advantage of that thing you're good at. However, when you're kind to them and show them that you care about them, people want to be with you. It's not because they want your money, your popularity, or the thing you're good at. They just do want you because you're an interesting person and they feel comfortable when they're with you. The best thing you can do is to be kind to others. Let kindness be your value. When you have kindness, the reward is the right people who will like you for who you really are.
The bad news is, your life will never be perfect. The good news is, you don't need a perfect life to be happy and make it worth living. Be grateful. Enjoy life.