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Student Life is Done!

It's really nice to be back here. Some of you asked me why I didn't update my blog for long time. Yeah, it's been about two months, the longest blogging break I had. You know, these last months I was super busy. I'm sorry I didn't have enough time to manage my blog. But today I'm so happy to come back here, and I hope you are still excited to read my blog. I have a lot of things to share. Well, during this long break, I get inspired by so many great stuffs, and I just can't help to share them all here.

Today, I'm not going to talk about inspirational stories or Disney. I just want to talk about my life. To be exact, my student life. Guess what? Yesterday was my last day for being a college student. Yesterday was the day for last exam of my last semester. Sometimes I can't believe I just did it. Well, maybe for you, I'm just overwhelming. But this is what I feel.

You know that feeling when you just start a journey, walk and make it step and by step, and suddenly you're at your destination. It's like "Hey, this is the place I was going to for a long time, and now I'm here. So, my journey is finished here."

Just to let you know, when I started being a student in Singapore, I didn't even have confidence that I would be able to be until the finish line. Even when I was transferring from Diploma to Degree, I did almost give up. That was the lowest point of my life. If you know me or follow my Twitter during that time, you surely know how miserable I was. But now I'm here. And it's all by His grace. It's not because I'm smart, and it's not because I'm able to do so, but because He always takes care of me. The thing is, if it's not God who brought me here, I guess I wouldn't be here right now.

You get the meaning of life not by what you achieve, but how you achieve it.

Now, what will I do then? Work? Continue to study?

That's the most common question people ask to me. Hmm, so here is my answer. If you watch Tangled the Disney movie, you'll surely know what Rapunzel's biggest dream. She lived in a castle, never came out, and she was always wondering what it would be like to be outside and see the lights. When she finally had a chance to reach her dream, she asked Flynn: "I've been looking out a window for eighteen years, dreaming about what it might feel like when those lights rise in the sky. What if it’s not everything I dreamed it would be? And what if it is? What do I do then?" And Flynn's answer was super inspiring: "That’s the good part I guess. You get to go find a new dream."

A new dream. That's what I need. It's good to live by having a dream, and when you reach it, you get another chance to find another dream. Actually, that's the point of life. Without dream, life is empty. With dream, sometimes life becomes more challenging. But it's getting fun because that's the real adventure of life!

So, what's my new dream? For now, I don't really have a big plan. I just let God lead and guide my life. But one thing for sure, I really know where I'm going. Now, I'm just enjoying my life. And I'm gonna make the best of the rest of my life. Actually, this is the beginning of my real life: life with no examination, but greater challenges to ride.

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