This semester, I got a subject called buyer behavior (marketing subject). This subject is so interesting, it teaches how to know people's process in purchasing a product or service. In this subject, there is a chapter that explains about brand loyalty.
What my lecturer always emphasizes about this phrase is the difference between brand loyalty and repeating purchase. Some buyers are loyal to one brand and continually to buy that brand because of his thinking and feeling that fit to the brand. Okay, they are really loyal. But, some buyers just look like loyal. They repeat the purchase, because they just buy the brand. They try the brand, and think there's no problem with that brand so they buy again, but they don't have commitment to the brand. Maybe if there's new better brand launched, they will leave the brand they use now.
Isn't it so inspiring? I really got a life lesson from this concept. It's a brand loyalty, so is people loyalty!
Some people look so loyal as if they wouldn't leave you.. In fact, some of them are finally not with you in the end. Didn't you meet that kind of people? Maybe you had people who were always with you no matter what, you spent time together with them everyday, and now you don't even know where and how they are.
Yes, that's the difference! Some people are loyal because the situation makes it. It's like you put ten random people in the locked house for several weeks, of course they will interact each other. And they will be like a family, because the situation makes it. You'll see they will be together everyday no matter what, because the situation makes it.
Okay, let's change the case. Now, after several weeks, you open the locked door, and you let them free. What will you see? Some of them will leave the house, some others will stay. Now you see, the real loyalty is only found in some of them, not all.
And that's what happen to this life. Do you think all people that are with you everyday will always be with you? Let me tell you, not all of them. Some of them are really loyal because of the commitment in their relationships with you, but the rest just do because of the situation and mutual needs. You need them, they need you, so why not together?
So, are the rest of them fake? Are they just pretending to look so loyal to you? Maybe no! It's just natural, it just happens. It's like you meet sun in the summer and snow in the winter. Nothing is wrong with that, right? The sun is real, the snow is also real.
So, should you not interact with them since they are just "temporary"? No! If you do so, you won't have people to live with, and you'll never have the loyal ones. Because the real loyalty is also based on this thing. And when winter comes, will you commit not to play with the snow because you know snow will end and spring will replace it? Of course not, you'll enjoy the snow so long the winter is still there!
This is the life. Some people are loyal, some people are just connected to each other, and some others are fake. That's good to you! That's good to make you understand the meaning of a relationship, to make you interact with people, to make you learn.
They repeat the purchase, because they just buy the brand. They try the brand, and think there's no problem with that brand so they buy again, but they don't have commitment to the brand.
Isn't it so inspiring? I really got a life lesson from this concept. It's a brand loyalty, so is people loyalty!
Some people look so loyal as if they wouldn't leave you.. In fact, some of them are finally not with you in the end. Didn't you meet that kind of people? Maybe you had people who were always with you no matter what, you spent time together with them everyday, and now you don't even know where and how they are.
Yes, that's the difference! Some people are loyal because the situation makes it. It's like you put ten random people in the locked house for several weeks, of course they will interact each other. And they will be like a family, because the situation makes it. You'll see they will be together everyday no matter what, because the situation makes it.
Some people are loyal because the situation makes it. It's like you put ten random people in the locked house for several weeks, of course they will interact each other.
Okay, let's change the case. Now, after several weeks, you open the locked door, and you let them free. What will you see? Some of them will leave the house, some others will stay. Now you see, the real loyalty is only found in some of them, not all.
And that's what happen to this life. Do you think all people that are with you everyday will always be with you? Let me tell you, not all of them. Some of them are really loyal because of the commitment in their relationships with you, but the rest just do because of the situation and mutual needs. You need them, they need you, so why not together?
But remember one thing, not all of them will be with you until the end. Believe me.
So, are the rest of them fake? Are they just pretending to look so loyal to you? Maybe no! It's just natural, it just happens. It's like you meet sun in the summer and snow in the winter. Nothing is wrong with that, right? The sun is real, the snow is also real.
So, should you not interact with them since they are just "temporary"? No! If you do so, you won't have people to live with, and you'll never have the loyal ones. Because the real loyalty is also based on this thing. And when winter comes, will you commit not to play with the snow because you know snow will end and spring will replace it? Of course not, you'll enjoy the snow so long the winter is still there!
When winter comes, will you commit not to play with the snow because you know snow will end and spring will replace it? Of course not, you'll enjoy the snow so long the winter is still there!
This is the life. Some people are loyal, some people are just connected to each other, and some others are fake. That's good to you! That's good to make you understand the meaning of a relationship, to make you interact with people, to make you learn.