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Better to be Happier than to be Better

We live in a world where achievement, status, job, reputation, and money are the indicators of how successful we are. Everyone starts comparing each other. Why? Because they want to know who is better. Why? Because they want to be the better one. The question they ask is always "Who is richer?" or "Who did better?" or "Who has higher status?"

Well, we don't need to play by the rule of this world. The truth is, the most interesting people are those who can be the happiest, not the richest or the smartest. The happiest people don't need to ask "Who is happier?" Only insecure people always compare. They need acceptance from others to make sure they fulfill the expectation of the world.

Happy people, the true happy people, know how to enjoy every simple things in life no matter what people say, no matter what the world sees them. They don't need confirmation from others to make them officially happy. When they are happy, they know they are happy. They just feel the happiness from the inside, not outside. For me, they're the best of all. They're the winners.

You don't need to be the best. Just be the happiest.

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